Friday, August 28, 2009

Yo Yo!

So after I told somebody what I was doing instead of going to college, she exclaimed, "That sounds amazing! You should keep a blog!" Lo and behold, here's my blog! I'll try and update it at least once a week.

I leave for Workshop in about four and a half days! Crazy... I've been thinking about going on Workshop ever since I started going to camp in 2000, seeing my sister, three cousins, and countless others all go to Israel after high school, and now the day's finally here! I have a lot of mixed emotions going into it: On one hand, I'm incredibly excited. It's going to be an awesome year on so many levels. I'm also sad that this means that my life after high school is beginning. I can no longer call San Francisco my home for 12 months of the year, which is really unfortunate. But putting that aside, I can't wait to board the plane from SFO to JFK, and then meet up with the rest of 59 and fly to Israel.

At dinner today, Noey asked me what am I most looking forward to on Workshop. Immediately about 20 things popped into my mind, so I just replied with a blatantly inefficient, "Everything about it!" Those three words come nowhere close to describing the absurd conglomeration of facets on Workshop that I am looking forward to. I think that it will be an incredible experience, both fun and really, really rewarding.

That's all for now though! I should pack soon.


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