Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's been a while...

So we had a hiatus from internet for about a week, so that's why this is my first post in a while. After the hostel in Bet She'an, we went south near the Dead Sea for a few days, had some more peulot, then got our kvutzot. I'm really excited for the kvutzah that I got put in. Odds are, we're going to be the party kvutzah and we have most of the big and loud guys on Workshop so I fit in pretty well. I'm also really happy that Gil's our madrich.

Over the next few days we did a few more peulot about building a kvutzah before going on a three day hike in the Negev. It was disgustingly hot with no shade but it was a really beautiful hike. It also was great for kvutzah bonding.

Hot and sweaty we boarded the bus Thursday morning to make the four hour shlep up north to Kibbutz Ein Dor. It's beautiful here, very lush and pretty scenery. The last few days we've just been hanging out around the kibbutz. Our kvutzah is in one house and the other two are in another. We're also right next to the British/Dutch kvutzah. We interact with them a bit, but mainly we just chill in our house.

Tomorrow's our first day of boneh orientation, so we'll see how that goes. Updates will be a lot more frequent now.

1 comment:

  1. Eitan.
    Your blog sucks. Get funnier. Like Morriah. Hers is hilarious. Get on her level. Also, mention Sari.
    All our Love,
